Listen to me, goddess Queen that you bring the Light,
Venerated Moon that you have bullhorns and you run at night
and you are wandering in the air,
Nocturnal, that you have a torch
Oh Daughter, surrounded by stars.
Oh, Moon that you wax and wane, feminine and male
You, brightest shine that you love the horses
Mother of time, bearing fruits, amber light, swollen, splendid, swelling and overseeing childbirth,
You, that you see everything and you like to be vigilant,
You are accompanied by beautiful Stars,
You are rejoiced in quietness and in the fortunate night.
You are brilliant; you supply grace, you of abundant grace.
You carry out the works and you are the pride of the night.
You are the queen of Stars.
You long veiled one that you run around.
Oh Daughter, full of wisdom, brilliant star.
Come blissful one, with prudence and joy,
to shine with your own glimmering upon us
and save oh Daughter, your new suppliants.
-Orphic Hymn To Water-
Harry Elektron & Alexandra Sieti
present “Water”, a musical performance
Vitruvian Thing, Ptolemaeon 29A, 4th fl., 54630, Thessaloniki
Water, the element of adaptability.
As Water builds its form in a container, so a Water personality has the need for sociality, sexuality and charm, with a tendency to mimetism, emotionality and unbridled imagination.
In the music field it is resonates the best with the so-called dance music,
such as Disco, Funky, but also other music that motivate emotion and romance.
In this presentation, pieces of well-known artists are selected, which are representative of these musical genres (cover versions), in order to convey the spirit of adaptability of water behavior.
“Water” belongs to a series of 7 projects (presentations & music albums) that form the whole of our means of perception and interaction (with our fellow humans and other beings, environment, universe) and will be renewed every few months to the next one, that are in the order: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Mind, Spirit.
Harry Elektron: idea, music programming, keyboard, vocals
Alexandra Sieti: vocals
Jokasta Mousiou: narration of Orphic Hymn to Moon
Debbie Kiou: dance act
Nick Lopez: light design
Alan J. Bond: graphic design
Photos: SavvasTheClash, Alex Coitus, Anna Sara
Unspecified ticket admittance policy

At Vitruvian Thing, we acknowledge the difficult financial circumstances of this period. So, unless otherwise noted, admittance to the events we host entails an unspecified amount: you decide how much the ticket should be and, in doing so, you are supporting the artists and helping Die Wolke keep the venue running. At the entrance, we issue donation coupons to acknowledge your contribution, equivalent to receipts, as required by law.
So, upon arrival at Vitruvian Thing and checking in at the welcome desk, you can choose your own price of admission: literally as much as you think is just right for you. You receive your coupon, and enjoy the show.