tci2 at Vitruvian Thing
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Thessaloniki Cinedance International

Season 2: short dance film festival

Vitruvian Thing, Ptolemaeon 29A, 4th fl., 54630, Thessaloniki


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Alternatively, you can make a reservation by phone at (+30) 6943 642039 [11:00 - 14:00, plus 18:00 - 20:00 on event days]

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Thessaloniki Cinedance International

Season 2: short dance film festival

Vitruvian Thing, Ptolemaeon 29A, 4th fl., 54630, Thessaloniki

TCI is an independent festival aiming to showcase contemporary dance on screen works from around the world. In its second season, TCI brings you 37 films from 20 countries!

In endless combinations of imaginative choreography, striking visual composition, performative excellence, narrative development, world-building, and musicality, the TCI season 2 official selection explores different approaches to dance on screen.

Official selection:
TCI website
Mobile-friendly online programme
PDF programme download

As digital technology has made filmmaking means increasingly more accessible to independent producers, so has the genre of the dance film exploded in popularity and variety. New ways to capture, edit and process the movement of the body are being constantly developed in increasingly imaginative ways, through the collaboration not only of cinematographers, choreographers, and dancers, but also visual artists and animators, composers and writers. TCI aims to present novel approaches to how the ever-evolving cinematic medium can use dance, or, equivalently, how contemporary choreographers and performers can use image capture, to further the discourse of this artistic crossover.

TCI is also happy to announce two festival partnerships:

An exchange programme with the 13-year-old festival TISFF - Thessaloniki International Short Film Festival - will bring you two more excellent dance films, including the 2016 Short Film Palme d'Or winner and Oscar-nominated Timecode. Three of the best films from TCI’s first season will go the other way and will be screened along with TISFF's 13th season programme.

Furthermore, a partnership with AVDP - Athens Video Dance Project - and their AVDP in Community will see a selection of three films screened at TCI, completing an exchange that will see some of the best moments of TCI season 1 travelling to Athens.

Relevant links:

Vitruvian Thing home
Die Wolke home
TCI official site

* Admission is allowed at any time between films, or at the breaks. Reservations are valid, though, only until 19:50.

Unspecified ticket admittance policy

Die Wolke donations

At Vitruvian Thing, we acknowledge the difficult financial circumstances of this period. So, unless otherwise noted, admittance to the events we host entails an unspecified amount: you decide how much the ticket should be and, in doing so, you are supporting the artists and helping Die Wolke keep the venue running. At the entrance, we issue donation coupons to acknowledge your contribution, equivalent to receipts, as required by law.

So, upon arrival at Vitruvian Thing and checking in at the welcome desk, you can choose your own price of admission: literally as much as you think is just right for you. You receive your coupon, and enjoy the show.

Terms and conditions

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