roixmat at Vitruvian Thing
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Roix Mat

by Koldo Vio, Marios Mevouliotis

Vitruvian Thing, Ptolemaeon 29A, 4th fl., 54630, Thessaloniki


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Roix Mat

by Koldo Vio, Marios Mevouliotis

Vitruvian Thing, Ptolemaeon 29A, 4th fl., 54630, Thessaloniki

Τhis solo performance is about the moments that passed away and we wish to experience them again. A tribute to the innocent and lost child deep inside our heart. A single performer, a chess game, a message of love and understanding. An inner seek of emotions through music, fantasy, and the magic of the theatre of objects. No words.

The story is about a teacher who plays everyday chess against himself until he is trapped in his own memories. He gets ghosted by a student that he once failed to approach. This student actually appears again and again through the chess game and the whole chess set is being transformed to the school, the teaching class, the children .At the same time we watch a live video projection by the pc camera on the TV screan. The technological environment interacts with the physical action. This student may be the symbol of teacher’s childhood and the teacher’s need to investigate their relationship may be the enigma of his life.

The performance is a work in progress on devised theatre, physical theatre and theatre of objects. The performer leads his non speaking character through multiple techniques of narration, through surrealism, sensitivity and humour.

What will be our next move on the chess game of our life?
What does Roix Mat really mean?


  • Direction: Koldo Vio
  • Music: Paul Metsios
  • Visual art: Vasilis Alexandrou
  • Graphic design: Alexis Valassis
  • Performance: Marios Mevouliotis

Unspecified ticket admittance policy

Die Wolke donations

At Vitruvian Thing, we acknowledge the difficult financial circumstances of this period. So, unless otherwise noted, admittance to the events we host entails an unspecified amount: you decide how much the ticket should be and, in doing so, you are supporting the artists and helping Die Wolke keep the venue running. At the entrance, we issue donation coupons to acknowledge your contribution, equivalent to receipts, as required by law.

So, upon arrival at Vitruvian Thing and checking in at the welcome desk, you can choose your own price of admission: literally as much as you think is just right for you. You receive your coupon, and enjoy the show.

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