As a platform for Die Wolke’s ongoing artistic research and creation process, the 4th Discrete Works brings three short contemporary dance pieces:
The work was commissioned by the Buffer Fringe festival in Nicosia and has since traveled to Burning Man, Soundance Berlin, TIEMF, and others. Thematically centred on the word “displacement”, it uses sensors on the performer’s body to manipulate in real time the reproduction of artist interview abstracts on the subject.
Planes / Knees
The new interactive performance by Die Wolke is based on the concept of the degrees of freedom that a 2D plane affords and how interventions from a third dimension appear incomprehensible from the surface. Using metallic sound sources, modulated by motion sensors, the soundscapes define the virtual performance space, while from the point of view of the audience they are perceived as cracks, gaps, and imperfections.
A performance with contemporary dance and live elecrtoacoustic-electronic music. The ship of the Astrogardener mission is transporting biological material, orbiting another planet. The powers of angular momentum and gravity alter its course and guide it towards the planned propagation of life.
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